So this one time, I made a 101 list. Most (all?) of you who read this blog know this. One of the items on said list was to dye my hair. Item # 29, to be precise. I didn't have any specific plans of how or when to go about this, but I had been asking some friends what color they thought would look good on me. I was debating between dark-ish brown and red-ish.
Anyway, a little over a week ago, I was just watching the Jazz game on a Friday night with some friends. All of a sudden, the girls (Kellie and Alyssa. You guys rock, by the way.) were like, "We should dye your hair right NOW!" After some coaxing, I gave in, and we went to the store to get some hair dye. I mean, let's be honest; when else am I going to be able to be this random and spontaneous? I let the girls pick which one would work best, which was an awesome idea.
I ended up compromising and doing a dark-ish red-ish. I really like how it looks. It's kind of a subtle change, nothing too ridiculous. Here's a couple pics. The first one is kind of dark, so it's hard to tell. The second one you can see the color better.
Also, sorry about how funky my eye looks in the second one...... I don't know what I was doing.
So that's that. #29 checked off my list. Until next time!
Nice work--looks awesome!